Indigenous Music Around The World
Music Of The First Nations
How Music Changes Culture Through Time
Music and culture have a lot in common as one can’t evolve without the other. The things people discovered, new instruments, in particular, changed lifestyles as people found new ways to create music. This had a significant effect on nature as it gave people additional means to express themselves.
What People say About The Website

William Anderson
“I love learning new things about people that lived on our planet long before modern nations rose to destroy everything. Learning about the music of those people is something that this site showed me, and I am thankful for that.”

Melanie Allen
“Indigenous Media and similar sites are excellent because they allow me to learn about new things without the need to read pages upon pages of info. They condense and deliver important data without being too boring for regular folk like me.”

William Dube
“I use sites like Indigenous Media to find info about subjects like indigenous people because they make it easy to find what you want. Visit this site and forget about long textual articles that contain little to no relevant data.”
Differences Between The Music Of Indigenous People And Music Today
The difference of music of first people and things we listen today is enormous. Music of the past had a close connection to the community as it represented everything that one people were. Right now music is a means to make money and the only link to the community is the effort of the artist to sell as many albums and tickets as they can.

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